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Anne Cruikshank

Anne Cruikshank

Dr Anne Cruikshank is a GP based in Oxfordshire. She was appointed as the RCGP Clinical Champion for Lyme disease in 2018, tasked with leading the ‘Lyme disease Spotlight Project’- focused on raising awareness of this complex and ‘easily missed’ condition. She co-authored the RCGP Lyme Disease Toolkit.

Anne’s special interest in Lyme disease dates back to 2007, when a close family member was hospitalised with Lyme carditis and endured a prolonged recovery. 

She has experience of managing patients with Lyme disease within both NHS and military primary care and a consultant-led Lyme disease Clinic. She is a GP advisor to the charity ‘Lyme Resource Centre', with a strong focus on developing educational resources for health professionals. 

Anne recognises that well informed healthcare professionals hold the key to early diagnosis and the prevention of long term complications.
